The Brothers Gruff Go to Splash World


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What happens when you abandon your traditional folk tale and run off to do something fun instead? When The Billy Goats Gruff go on a chaotic adventure to "Splash World" instead of the dull meadow, the irate troll under the bridge has other ideas and sets out to capture the brothers at any cost. Get ready for a maniacal version of our most famous folk tale.


IMDB 4.9


Animation, Comédie, Pour enfants


1h 10min

Pays de production



Will Ashurst


Trond Fausa Aurvåg
Storebror (voice)
Mikkel Niva
Mellombror (voice)
Cengiz Al
Lillebror (voice)
Jan Martin Johnsen
Trollet (voice)
Andrea Bræin Hovig
Harianne (voice)
Alexandra Gjerpen
Kråke med grønn lue (voice)
Sampda Sharma
Kråke med rød lue (voice)
Regina Tucker
Kråke med gul caps (voice)