

Titolo originale: Thunderbolts*

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A world without Avengers doesn't mean there's not a group of superheroes. There is a group and they're called the Thunderbolts.


Azione e Avventura, Fantascienza, Giallo, Drammatico, Fantasy

Paese di produzione

Stati Uniti


Jake Schreier


Florence Pugh
Yelena Belova
Sebastian Stan
James 'Bucky' Barnes / Winter Soldier
David Harbour
Alexei Shostakov / Red Guardian
Wyatt Russell
John Walker / U.S. Agent
Olga Kurylenko
Antonia Dreykov / Taskmaster
Hannah John-Kamen
Ava Starr / Ghost
Julia Louis-Dreyfus
Contessa Valentina Allegra de Fontaine
Lewis Pullman
Robert Reynolds / The Sentry
Geraldine Viswanathan