Zalės valda


Titolo originale: Salem's Lot

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Author Ben Mears returns to his childhood home of Jerusalem's Lot in search of inspiration for his next book only to discover his hometown is being preyed upon by a bloodthirsty vampire.


Orrore, Thriller e Mistero


1h 53min

Paese di produzione

Stati Uniti


Gary Dauberman


Lewis Pullman
Ben Mears
Alfre Woodard
Dr. Cody
Makenzie Leigh
Susan Norton
Bill Camp
Matthew Burke
Spencer Treat Clark
Mike Ryerson
Pilou Asbæk
Richard Straker
John Benjamin Hickey
Father Callahan
William Sadler
Kurt Barlow
Jordan Preston Carter
Mark Petrie
Nicholas Crovetti
Danny Glick
Cade Woodward
Ralph Glick
Kellan Rhude
Floyd Tibbits
Debra Christofferson
Anne Norton
Rebecca Gibel
Mabel Wertz
Mike Bash
Officer Taylor
Fedna Jacquet
June Petrie
Avery Bederman
Ruthie Crockett
Liam Anderson
Pirate Hat
Marilyn Busch
Eva Miller
Sage Rudnick
Alyana Hill
Gavin Maddox Bergman
Young Ben Mears
Robert Bouvier
So Called Friend
Daniel George
Elementary School Student