Ghezal Amiri

Ghezal Amiri is a Copywriter for JustWatch with an affinity for binging the latest HBO drama while taking occasional pauses to check out what's on TCM. When she mercifully decides to give her eyes a break, she goes on 3 hour hikes with her best friend, strives to ensure her cat is aware of how special he is and listens to the entire BTS discography for the 613th time. She is also a firm believer that the curtains are never just blue.

Experience and Education

Ghezal has been a writer on the internet since 2016. After graduating with a BA in English, she's written for such outlets as Movie Pilot, ComingSoon and Vocal.Media. She has placed in a number of Vocal Challenges throughout the years and proudly curated several BTS-focused Spotify playlist articles because we are the two who found our destiny.

Favourite Movies and TV-Shows

If there is anything to know about Ghezal, it's that she diversifies when it comes to her favourites. When she wants to have a good cry, she will pop on any Miyazaki classic or Shinkai's modern masterpiece, Your Name. If she's feeling mysterious, she'll watch any noir starring Barbara Stanwyck. When she wants to pass time before her next cat cuddling session, The Golden Girls or Frasier is an absolute must. Her favourite TV series of all-time is Six Feet Under and she has seen every episode of Saved By The Bell an embarrassing (yet honestly, impressive) amount of times. Her ramblings can be found on Letterboxd @Ghezal

Ghezal Amiri has written 85 articles on JustWatch. This includes adding news and relevant information to movie & TV show pages.

  • Witness the beginning of Pennywise the Clown

    Set in the 1960s, Welcome to Derry explores the mysterious origins of the terrifying Pennywise the Clown. It further reveals the background that led up to Andy Muschietti's 2017 film adaptation of IT.

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  • The origins of Pennywise the Clown

    Welcome to Derry delves into the mysterious origins of the terrifying Pennywise the Clown. Set in the 1960s, the series reveals the background that led up to Andy Muschietti's 2017 film adaptation of IT.

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  • The world welcomes a traveling Conan O'Brien

    Esteemed comedian Conan O'Brien engages in conversations with viewers around the world and builds connections with new friends he makes through his podcast in Conan O'Brien Must Go.

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  • Conan goes around the world making new friends and interesting observations

    Conan O'Brien Must Go follows the revered comedian as he converses with viewers worldwide and connects with new friends made through his podcast "Conan O'Brien Needs A Friend."

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  • The Wicked Witch of the West's story concludes

    This second installment of a two-part adaptation of the Broadway musical takes place in the Land of Oz. It continues the story of Elphaba and explores the journey that leads to her transformation into the Wicked Witch of the West.

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