Chucky - Saison 3


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Date de sortie en streaming (France)

Chucky Saison 3 sera disponible en 2024. Nous n'avons pas encore d'informations sur sa diffusion en streaming, mais nous vous tiendrons au courant dès qu'elles seront disponibles.


In Chucky’s unending thirst for power, Season 3 now sees Chucky ensconced with the most powerful family in the world — America's First Family, inside the infamous walls of the White House. How did Chucky wind up here? What in God’s name does he want? And how can Jake, Devon, and Lexy possibly get to Chucky inside the world’s most secure house, all while balancing the pressures of romantic relationships and growing up? Meanwhile, Tiffany faces a looming crisis of her own as the police close in on her for "Jennifer Tilly's" murderous rampage last season.

8 épisodes


Mystère & Thriller, Crime & Thriller, Comédie, Drame, Horreur



Pays de production

Etats Unis


Zackary Arthur
Jake Wheeler
Björgvin Arnarson
Devon Evans
Alyvia Alyn Lind
Lexy Cross
Devon Sawa
James Collins
Brad Dourif
Chucky (voice)