


العنوان الأصلي: 蛮幽鬼

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Banyuki - شاهدوا أونلاين: بالبث أو الشراء أو التأجير

نسعى باستمرار لإضافة مقدمي خدمة جدد، لكن لم نتمكن من العثور على عرض لمشاهدة "Banyuki" أونلاين. نرجو منكم العودة قريباً للاطلاع على كل جديد لدينا.


A story of an island country named Horai that was finally about to be integrated under one political administration. Domon DATE, an innocent man confined in a prison island. After 10 years of imprisonment, he kept his sanity by dreaming of retaliating against those who framed him up. He breaks the prison with the help of a man incarcerated in the deepest corner of the prison island. The man identified himself as Saji. His steady road to revenge was obstructed by a woman named Mikoto, the once fiancée of his. Can Domon get his revenge? Who is the man who identified himself as Saji? What are the hidden thoughts of Mikoto?


IMDB 6.7


حركة ومغامرة, دراما

مدة العرض

3ساعة 2دقيقة

بلد الإنتاج



Hidenori Inoue

طاقم العمل

Takaya Kamikawa
Izumi Inamori
Taichi Saotome
Jun Hashimoto
Shoko Takada
Makoto Awane
Takaya Yamauchi
Akira Yamamoto
Tetsuya Chiba
Masato Sakai