My Father's Private Secretary


العنوان الأصلي: La segretaria privata di mio padre

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La segretaria privata di mio padre - شاهدوا أونلاين: بالبث أو الشراء أو التأجير

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The Commendatore Ponziani Armando, the owner of a thriving chemical industry, lives in a beautiful villa on Lake Como with his wife and his son Franco Ersilia. Mrs. Ponzio, former secretary seduced and married the wife, knowing the trends dongiovannesche him, forced him to keep as secretary Amelia, exemplary degenerate the "fairer sex", and has filled the establishment of women carefully chosen for ugliness. The Ponzio, however, in spite of everything, keeps in a city hotel Ingrid, Swedish lover. One day, due to a car accident, the couple Armando and Ersilia end up in plaster and Amelia disappears. Dr. Mingozzi, chemist who aspires to lead the company Ponzio, offers the girlfriend Louise as new secretary. Its beauty attracts the desires of the owner, and even the home of his son Joseph.


IMDB 5.1



مدة العرض

1ساعة 33دقيقة

بلد الإنتاج



Mariano Laurenti

طاقم العمل

Maria Rosaria Omaggio
Renzo Montagnani
Armando Ponziani
Stefano Patrizi
Franco Ponziani
Alvaro Vitali
Anita Strindberg
Aldo Massasso
Doctor Mingozzi
Giuliana Calandra
Ersilia Ponziani
Enzo Cannavale
Rina Franchetti
Sofia Lombardo