The Ghost of Sierra de Cobre


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Terrified of being buried alive, a woman installs a phone in her crypt. A few days after her death, the phone suddenly rings and paranormal investigator Nelson Orion is brought in to probe the case.


IMDB 6.2


رعب, غموض وإثارة

مدة العرض

1ساعة 20دقيقة

بلد الإنتاج

الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية


Joseph Stefano

طاقم العمل

Martin Landau
Nelson Orion
Judith Anderson
Diane Baker
Vivia Mandore
Tom Simcox
Henry Mandore
Nellie Burt
Mary Finch
Leonard Stone
Benedict Sloane
Priscilla Morrill
The School Teacher