The Story of Little Mook


العنوان الأصلي: Die Geschichte vom kleinen Muck

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The Story of Little Mook - شاهدوا أونلاين: بالبث أو الشراء أو التأجير

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An old man living in an oriental city tells the story of his life to a group of kids: He too was once a young boy by the name of Little Muck - much like them, but with better manners and a heap of problems. Having lost his father at early age, little Muck is expelled from home by his greedy relatives. He wanders off into the desert hoping to find the merchant who sells good fortune. Amidst the dunes of sand he comes across a small house owned by a wicked woman and her many cats. She wants to make Little Muck her servant, but he manages to escape by stealing a pair of magic shoes which enable him to run faster than any man in the country. From there he heads right into the next set of challenges...


IMDB 6.8


خيال, صنع في أوروبا, الأطفال والعائلة

مدة العرض

1ساعة 40دقيقة

بلد الإنتاج



Wolfgang Staudte

طاقم العمل

Thomas Schmidt
Kleiner Muck
Johannes Maus
Altgewordener Muck
Friedrich Richter
Trude Hesterberg
Werner Peters
Unterster Ramudschin
Gerd Frickhöffer
Unterer Ramudschin
Harry Riebauer
Oberleibläufer Murad
Alwin Lippisch
Silja Lesny
Prinzessin Amarza
Heinz Kammer
Prinz Bajazid
Gerhard Hänsel
Prinz Hassan
Wilhelm Hinrich Holtz
Oberster Ramudschin
Charles Hans Vogt
Ursula Kempert
Friedrich Gnaß
Wolf von Beneckendorff
Else Korén
Lutz Götz
Johannes Rhein
Wolf Kaiser
Heinz Appel
Karl Block
Emil Leser
Wilhelm Otto Eckhardt
Jean Brahn
Wladimir Marfiak
Walter Wystemp
Willi Schwabe
Herbert Scholz
Fredy Barten
Waldemar Jacobi
Julius Klee
Otto Lange
Toni Meitzen
Alexander Papendiek
Helene Riechers
Manfred Schaeffer
Hans Schille
Joe Schorn
Otto Sommer
Hubert Temming
Nico Turoff