Tyson's Run

Tyson's Run


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When fifteen-year-old Tyson attends public school for the first time, his life is changed forever. While helping his father clean up after the football team, Tyson befriends champion marathon runner Aklilu. Never letting his autism hold him back, Tyson becomes determined to run his first marathon in hopes of winning his father's approval. With the help of an unlikely friend and his parents, Tyson learns that with faith in yourself and the courage to take the first step, anything is possible.


IMDB 6.1 (1k)



مدة العرض

1ساعة 43دقيقة

بلد الإنتاج

الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية


Kim Bass

طاقم العمل

Major Dodson
Tyson Hollerman
Amy Smart
Eloise Hollerman
Rory Cochrane
Bobby Hollerman
Barkhad Abdi
Layla Felder
Jody Thompson
Isaiah Asher Hanley
Bradley Burton
Forrest Deal
Claudia Zevallos
Ms. Fernandez