Abhiyum Naanum


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Abhiyum Naanum - شاهدوا أونلاين: بالبث أو الشراء أو التأجير

يمكنكم حالياً مشاهدة "Abhiyum Naanum" على Sun Nxt.

أحدث الحلقات


The story mainly revolves on the two children Abi and Mukil. Mukil, the son of Meena and Siva is mischievous and the sweetheart of his grandmother Rajeshwari while Abi is a soft and sweet natured girl who on entering their house out of nowhere shares a special bond with Meena with a mysterious past. The story revolves on her special bond with the family and with the unfolding of her past.


IMDB 6.9



مدة العرض

30 دقيقة

بلد الإنتاج


طاقم العمل