الموسم 1

Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown - الموسم 1


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الموسم 1 - شاهدوا أونلاين: بالبث أو الشراء أو التأجير

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The first season of Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown, hosted by the world-renowned chef, bestselling author and Emmy winning television personality, premiered on Sunday, April 14, at 9pm, ET. The premiere episode of the Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown offers an inside look at Myanmar. In his maiden voyage to the country formerly known as Burma, Bourdain and his crew discover the fabled beauty and local cuisines of a country that had been, up until recently, off-limits to outsiders. Further episodes include tours of Libya, Colombia, the Quebecois side of Canada, Koreatown in Los Angeles, Tangier, Peru and the Congo.

9 حلقات


IMDB 8.9 (6k)



مدة العرض

45 دقيقة

طاقم العمل

Anthony Bourdain
Self - Host