LIMBO... Until I Decide

LIMBO... Until I Decide


العنوان الأصلي: Limbo

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أحدث الحلقات


As an heiress to her family’s business empire, Sofía lives an opulent life free of responsibilities and commitments. But when her father passes away, Sofía is forced to return to her birthplace, Buenos Aires, to confront her rivalry with her two brothers and her father's secrets. In facing her complicated family legacy, Sofía sets out to prove that she’s more than a spoiled party girl.


IMDB 5.7



مدة العرض

38 دقيقة

بلد الإنتاج

الأرجنتين, إسبانيا


Gastón Duprat , Mariano Cohn

طاقم العمل

Clara Lago
Mike Amigorena
Esteban Pérez
Enrique Piñeyro
Mex Urtizberea
Andrés Gil
Andrea Frigerio
Claudio Da Passano