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The "Duque de Alba" is one of the last three adult movie theatres remaining in Madrid. Rafael, the projectionist, works hard every day in order to make the place tidier. He hand-paints the movie posters himself, he puts flowers and houseplants around, he fits out the entrance... Even though pornography is mostly consumed online, the theatre works due to a fixed clientele. The "Duque de Alba" is, indeed, more than just an adult movie theatre: it is a shelter, a refuge. Yet Rafael has to face a new problem now: Luisa, the ticket clerk with whom he's worked with for more than thirty years, the only one who helps him make the theatre a better place, is about to retire.

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IMDB 4.8


Documentaire, Drame, Made in Europe


1h 11min

Pays de production



Omar A. Razzak


Juan Manuel Hidalgo
Luisa Martínez
Rafael Sánchez
Julián Valbuena