Saison 3

2 Broke Girls - Saison 3


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The third season of 2 Broke Girls serves up sweet surprises for two of Brooklyn’s hottest waitresses, Max and Caroline. They’ve got a new cupcake business at the diner’s back walk-up window, and Caroline and Max negotiate a work-study program at the Manhattan School of Pastry: Caroline works in the office so Max can study professional baking. Plus, love – and the aroma of freshly cooked tarts – is in the air! Caroline has the hots for the school’s hunky master chef and Max falls head over sticky buns for the outrageous class clown. The girls still worry about money – but their friendship is worth a million bucks.

20 épisodes

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IMDB 6.6 (105k)





Pays de production

Etats Unis


Kat Dennings
Max Black
Beth Behrs
Caroline Channing
Garrett Morris
Earl Washington
Jonathan Kite
Oleg Golishevsky
Matthew Moy
Han Lee
Jennifer Coolidge
Sophie Kachinsky