Saison 3

Star - Saison 3


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The second season ended with Carlotta, Alex, Simone, Derek, Cotton and Cassie’s lives in jeopardy. Carlotta had been named the head of A&R for Midtown Sound, but her world came crashing down after learning Cassie killed Jahil. When Carlotta confronted Cassie, guns were drawn and one went off. Meanwhile, Alex, Cotton and Derek each were on a flight to New York when a news report revealed that a plane had crashed – with no one knowing who survived. Season three picks up three months later, as Star returns home from touring.

18 épisodes

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IMDB 6.7 (5k)


Drame, Musique & Comédie Musicale




Jude Demorest
Star Davis
Ryan Destiny
Alexandra "Alex" Crane
Amiyah Scott
Miss Lawrence
Miss Bruce
Matthew Noszka
Jackson 'Jax' Ellis
Queen Latifah
Carlotta Brown
Brittany O'Grady
Simone Davis
William Levy
Mateo Ferarra
Brandy Norwood
Cassandra "Cassie" Brown
Quincy Brown
Derek Jones
Luke James
Noah Brooks
Lance Gross