Beware of the Jönsson Gang

Beware of the Jönsson Gang


العنوان الأصلي: Varning för Jönssonligan

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Varning för Jönssonligan - شاهدوا أونلاين: بالبث أو الشراء أو التأجير

نسعى باستمرار لإضافة مقدمي خدمة جدد، لكن لم نتمكن من العثور على عرض لمشاهدة "Beware of the Jönsson Gang" أونلاين. نرجو منكم العودة قريباً للاطلاع على كل جديد لدينا.


The movie begins with the Jönsson gang making a minor burglary. It goes wrong and the gang leader, Sickan, gets caught. After he has spent 10 months in jail, Vanheden and Rocky come to welcome him when he's released. But he doesn't take notice of them, and he's picked up by the mysterious banker Wall-Enberg Jr. instead. He wants Sickan to perform a burglary in Switzerland, in order to retrieve the famous Bedford Diamonds. Sickan does this but is fooled by Wall-Enberg and nearly gets caught. When he returns to Sweden and re-unites with his old gang members, he's set on revenge, both physically and psychologically...


IMDB 6.3 (4k)


كوميديا, جريمة, صنع في أوروبا

مدة العرض

1ساعة 29دقيقة

بلد الإنتاج

الدنمارك, السويد


Jonas Cornell

طاقم العمل

Gösta Ekman
Charles-Ingvar "Sickan" Jönsson
Ulf Brunnberg
Ragnar Vanheden
Nils Brandt
Rocky Blom
Siw Malmkvist
Jan-Olof Strandberg
Crime Commissioner Svensson
Tomas Norström
Detective Holm
Per Grundén
Weiron Holmberg
Bengt Stenberg
Hans Sundberg
Doctor Schmetterlink
Urban Sahlin
The Gymnastics coach
Jean-Paul Chakbazof
The Sheik
Johannes Brost
Lis Nilheim
Mille Schmidt
The Port guard
Gunnar 'Knas' Lindkvist
Bridge keeper
Kjell-Hugo Grandin
Bus driver