Blade Runner: The Final Cut

Blade Runner: The Final Cut


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Blade Runner: The Final Cut - شاهدوا أونلاين: بالبث أو الشراء أو التأجير

بإمكانكم شراء "Blade Runner: The Final Cut" على Apple TV وتنزيله أو تأجيره على Apple TV أونلاين.


Visually spectacular, intensely action-packed and powerfully prophetic since its debut, Blade Runner returns in Ridley Scott's definitive Final Cut, including extended scenes and never-before-seen special effects. In a signature role as 21st-century detective Rick Deckard, Harrison Ford brings his masculine-yet-vulnerable presence to this stylish noir thriller. In a future of high-tech possibility soured by urban and social decay, Deckard hunts for fugitive, murderous replicants - and is drawn to a mystery woman whose secrets may undermine his soul. This incredible version features the definitive Final Cut of Ridley Scott's legendary Sci-Fi classic.



الخيال العلمي, حركة ومغامرة, غموض وإثارة

مدة العرض

1ساعة 57دقيقة

التصنيف العمري


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