Fantastic Journey to Oz

Fantastic Journey to Oz


العنوان الأصلي: Урфин Джюс и его деревянные солдаты

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The cunning and wicked Urfin wants to become ruler of Magic Land. With an army of wooden soldiers, he captures the Emerald City and renames it ti Urfinville. He is all but ready to celebrate victory, when his plans are ruined by an ordinary girl named Dorothy, who arrives in Magic Land just at the right time. She must return home, but not before she helps her friends - the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and new-brave Lion - defeat Urfin. And in order to do that, they need to find out who he really is.


IMDB 4.7


رسوم متحركة, حركة ومغامرة, الأطفال والعائلة, خيال

مدة العرض

1ساعة 22دقيقة

بلد الإنتاج



Vladimir Toropchin , Fedor Dmitriev , Darina Shmidt

طاقم العمل

Konstantin Khabenskiy
Urfin Jus (voice)
Yekaterina Gorokhovskaya
Dmitriy Dyuzhev
Bear (voice)
Sergey Shnurov
General (voice)
Andrey Levin
Yuliya Rudina
Sergei Dyachkov
Valeri Solovyev
Valeriy Kukhareshin
Alexandr Boyarsky
Dmitriy Bykovskiy-Romashov
Mikhail Chernyak
Oleg Kulikovich
Aleksandr Demich
Yakov Petrov
Tatyana Mikhalevkina
Mikhail Khrustalev
Slava Se