Ferrari: Race to Immortality

Ferrari: Race to Immortality


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The late 1950s were known as golden years in the world of motor racing, champions were made and lost on a Sunday, and no losses were greater than those of Enzo Ferrari’s Scuderia. Based on Chris Nixon’s bestselling biography Mon Ami Mate, Ferrari: Race to Immortality tells the story of the loves and losses, triumphs and tragedy of a turbulent era that shook the motor racing world.


IMDB 6.9 (1k)


وثائقي, رياضة ولياقة

مدة العرض

1ساعة 32دقيقة

بلد الإنتاج

المملكة المتحدة


Daryl Goodrich

طاقم العمل

Mike Hawthorn
Peter Collins
Enzo Ferrari