Pilate: The Man Who Killed Christ


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Pilate: The Man Who Killed Christ - شاهدوا أونلاين: بالبث أو الشراء أو التأجير

يمكنكم حالياً مشاهدة "Pilate: The Man Who Killed Christ" على Magellan TV.


Throughout history, Pontius Pilate has been portrayed as a weak ruler-the man who allowed Jesus Christ to be crucified at the demand of the Jews. But this documentary portrays a very different Pilate, one who had his own motives for allowing Jesus' fate.


IMDB 7.7


دراما, وثائقي

مدة العرض

49 دقيقة

بلد الإنتاج

المملكة المتحدة

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