The Eunuch and the Flute Player

The Eunuch and the Flute Player


العنوان الأصلي: নগরকীর্তন

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Parimal is a woman trapped in a man’s body who runs away from home and joins a ghetto of eunuchs as Puti and sings at traffic signals to earn money. There she falls in love with Madhu, a delivery boy with a Chinese restaurant who moonlights as a flautist in kirtans. The love blossoms even as Puti dreams of raising the money required for the sex reassignment surgery.


IMDB 8.5



مدة العرض

1ساعة 53دقيقة

بلد الإنتاج



Kaushik Ganguly

طاقم العمل

Ritwick Chakraborty
Riddhi Sen
Parimal (Puti)
Bidipta Chakraborty
Sujan Mukherjee
Indrasish Roy
Arun Guha Tharkurta
Madhu's Father