The Fence (La Barda)


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The Fence (La Barda) - شاهدوا أونلاين: بالبث أو الشراء أو التأجير

نسعى باستمرار لإضافة مقدمي خدمة جدد، لكن لم نتمكن من العثور على عرض لمشاهدة "The Fence (La Barda)" أونلاين. نرجو منكم العودة قريباً للاطلاع على كل جديد لدينا.


In Oct. 2006, the U.S. government decided to build a 700-mile fence along its troubled 2000-mile-plus border with Mexico. Three years, 19 construction companies, 350 engineers, thousands of construction workers, tens of thousands of tons of metal and $3 billion later, was it all worth it? When Arizona recently enacted one of the most extreme immigration laws in the country, the Obama administration responded by filing a lawsuit against the state. This dispute was merely the latest symptom of a greater national problem: the lack of a comprehensive, workable U.S. immigration policy. In its place, lawmakers have resorted to a series of half-measures, the most expensive of which — the U.S.-Mexico border fence — extends through the desert 150 miles south of the Arizona state capital.


IMDB 6.9


وثائقي, دراما

مدة العرض

36 دقيقة

بلد الإنتاج

الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية


Rory Kennedy

طاقم العمل

Rory Kennedy