الموسم 2

Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown - الموسم 2


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CNN’s original series, ‘Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown’, which has been nominated for four Primetime Emmys in the 2013 competition, launched its second season on Friday, September 20 at 9pm, ET. The first episode, ‘Jerusalem’ features tours of Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, marking the first time Bourdain has filmed in these locations. This season of the weekend lifestyle series also takes Bourdain and his crew into “parts unknown” within Spain, New Mexico, Copenhagen, Sicily, Detroit, Tokyo and South Africa.

9 حلقات


IMDB 8.9 (6k)



مدة العرض

45 دقيقة

طاقم العمل

Anthony Bourdain
Self - Host