الموسم 1
الموسم 1

Halt and Catch Fire - الموسم 1


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الموسم 1 - شاهدوا أونلاين: بالبث أو الشراء أو التأجير

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In 1983, personal computing was anyone's game. Navigating the thin line between visionary and fraud, genius and delusion, an unlikely trio - a visionary, an engineer, and a prodigy - take personal and professional risks in the race to build a computer that will change the world as they know it. The battle for CTRL begins.

10 حلقات


IMDB 8.4 (35k)



مدة العرض

44 دقيقة

طاقم العمل

Lee Pace
Joe MacMillan
Scoot McNairy
Gordon Clark
Mackenzie Davis
Cameron Howe
Kerry Bishé
Donna Clark
Toby Huss
John 'Bos' Bosworth