When We Go to War

When We Go to War


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أحدث الحلقات


The story follows a New Zealand family at the outbreak of WWI, from optimism to despair as war's toll mounts. It chronicles their experiences on the homefront and battlefields of Gallipoli and Egypt.


IMDB 6.7



مدة العرض

44 دقيقة

بلد الإنتاج


طاقم العمل

Esther Stephens
Bea Smith
Shavaughn Ruakere
Awa Kokiri
Ido Drent
Charles Smith
Freya Milner
Cissy Smith
Tom O'Sullivan
Dr William Chambers
Leith Towers
James Smith
Andrew Grainger
John Smith
Sylvia Rands
Hettie Smith
Gareth Williams
Richard Smith
Sophia Huybens
Violet Penrose
Alex Tarrant
Manaki Kokiri