Wind Shaped Rocks


Alkuperäinen nimi: Rocas en forma de viento

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Wind Shaped Rocks - katso netissä: suoratoista, osta tai vuokraa

Tällä hetkellä voit katsoa elokuvan "Wind Shaped Rocks" suoratoistona palvelussa DocAlliance Films. Voit myös ostaa elokuvan "Wind Shaped Rocks" palvelussa DocAlliance Films tai ladata tai vuokrata sen netissä palvelussa DocAlliance Films.


What starts out as a calm, observational record from an excursion boat filled with Taiwanese tourists admiring a glacier, soon turns into a frenzied – in places almost hallucinogenic – series of bizarre events after a black spot appears in the sky. Shots of the tourists alternate with views of horses grazing in a snowy landscape, a couple in a hotel room, and a group of young people digging film strips out of a garbage can. From the start, the viewer searches for the key to this random sequence of wordless scenes, trying to keep pace with the rapid, sometimes even stroboscopic montage of juxtaposed shots, which is slowed down with contemplative views of the monstrous glacier.





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Eduardo Makoszay Mayén
