Saison 1

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4 épisodes


IMDB 6.0


Action & Aventure, Science-Fiction, Animation, Comédie, Drame, Fantastique



Pays de production



Rintaro , Tomihiko Ohkubo , Naoto Kanda


Rica Matsumoto
Prettz (voice)
Yuko Minaguchi
Linaly (voice)
Shigeru Chiba
Valkus (voice)
Fumi Hirano
Rouge (voice)
Kenichi Ogata
Ra Devil (voice)
Hiroko Kasahara
Queen Lenna (voice)
Etsuko Kozakura
Mid (voice)
Hiroshi Naka
Gush (voice)
Kei Tomiyama
Hassam (voice)
Mahito Tsujimura
Blue Mage (voice)
Urara Takano
Rouge's Henchwoman (voice)
Kae Araki
Rouge's Henchwoman (voice)
Naoko Nakamura
Rouge's Henchwoman (voice)
Mami Matsui
Hiryu (voice)
Hiroaki Ishikawa
Cid (voice)