Saison 3

Love, Victor - Saison 3


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En ce moment, vous pouvez regarder "Love, Victor - Saison 3" en streaming sur Disney Plus.


Season three finds Victor going on a journey of self-discovery -- not only deciding who he wants to be with, but more broadly, who he wants to be. With their post-high-school-plans looming, Victor and his friends are faced with a new set of problems that they must work through to make the best choices for their futures.

8 épisodes

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IMDB 8.0 (22k)


Comédie, Drame, Comédie Romantique



Pays de production

Etats Unis


Michael Cimino
Victor Salazar
Rachel Hilson
Mia Brooks
Anthony Turpel
Felix Weston
Bebe Wood
Lake Meriwether
Mason Gooding
Andrew Spencer
George Sear
Benjamin 'Benji' Campbell
Isabella Ferreira
Pilar Salazar
Mateo Fernandez
Adrian Salazar
Anthony Keyvan
Ava Capri
James Martinez
Armando Salazar
Ana Ortiz
Isabel Salazar

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