Grand Tour


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Rangoon, Burma, 1917. Edward, a civil servant for the British Empire, runs away from his fiancée Molly the day she arrives to get married. During his travels, however, panic gives way to melancholy. Contemplating the emptiness of his existence, the cowardly Edward wonders what has become of Molly…Determined to get married and amused by Edward's move, Molly follows his trail on this Asian grand tour.


Drammatico, Azione e Avventura, Storia


2h 9min

Paese di produzione

Germania, Italia, Giappone, Portogallo, China, Francia


Miguel Gomes


Gonçalo Waddington
Crista Alfaiate
Cláudio da Silva
Timothy Sanders
Lang Khê Tran
Jorge Andrade
João Pedro Vaz
João Pedro Bénard
Horace Seagrave
Teresa Madruga
Joana Bárcia
Lady Dragon
Diogo Dória
Major Brown
Jani Zhao
Manuela Couto
Mrs. Cooper
Américo Silva