Seven Rooms, Kitchen, Bathroom, for Sale


العنوان الأصلي: 7p., cuis., s. de b., … à saisir

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Seven Rooms, Kitchen, Bathroom, for Sale - شاهدوا أونلاين: بالبث أو الشراء أو التأجير

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An unusual visit to a large, empty apartment. But is it empty or not? Maybe a family has lived there or is going to live there. Maybe a young girl is going to escape from there. Maybe some of the old-timers who lived there never left. The walls themselves tell the stories of the time passing by. - Fandor



مدة العرض

28 دقيقة

بلد الإنتاج



Agnès Varda

طاقم العمل

Hervé Mangani
Le Père (Jeune)
Louis Bec
Le Père (Âgé)
Saskia Cohen Tanugi
La Mère (Jeune)
Colette Bonnet
La Mère (Âgée)
Pierre Esposito
Le Fils Aîné
Catherine De Barbeyrac
La Fille Aînée
Folco Chevalier
Michèle Nespoulet
La Bonne Servante
Yolande Moreau
La Servante Belge
Marthe Jarnias
La Vieille Dame Sous les Plumes (uncredited)
Loïc Corbery
Petit garçon