Black Holes: Messages from the Edge of the Universe


العنوان الأصلي: Neutrinos: Boten vom Rand des Universums

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It is the birth of neutrino astronomy. For the first time, astrophysicists can detect extra-terrestrial neutrinos in ice on the South Pole. The fundamental questions of science remain unanswered., how did the universe come to be? What keeps our world together? The newly discovered extra-galactic neutrinos may hold the keys to answering these questions.


IMDB 6.2


وثائقي, صنع في أوروبا

مدة العرض

52 دقيقة

بلد الإنتاج



Martina Treusch

طاقم العمل

Sven Philipp
Uve Teschner
Anke Arndt