Havoc in Dragon Palace


العنوان الأصلي: 齐天大圣之大闹龙宫

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Because of the drought around the world, Mountain Huaguo with a water source is harassed by powerful monsters around. To investigate the cause of the drought and also obtain a suitable weapon to fight the powerful monsters, Sun Wukong and his good friend Chikaoma Monkey participate in the Treasure Competition in the East Sea, but they get involved in an intrigue. With the Little Dragon Princess' help, Sun Wukong defeats the evil dragon Aoluan that wants to destroy the human world, gets the Ruyijingu Cudgel, and saves the human world.


IMDB 5.6


حركة ومغامرة, خيال

مدة العرض

1ساعة 23دقيقة


Chen Zhihong

طاقم العمل

Louis Fan Siu-Wong
Monkey King
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