Mon Frère Chasse Les Dinosaures


العنوان الأصلي: Mio fratello rincorre i dinosauri

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Mon Frère Chasse Les Dinosaures - شاهدوا أونلاين: بالبث أو الشراء أو التأجير

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Jack has always wanted a little brother to play with, and when Gio is born, his parents tell him his brother is a "special" child. That's when Gio turns into a superhero with amazing powers in his big brother's imagination, like the ones in his comic books. Over time, however, Jack learns the truth: his brother has Down syndrome, a condition Jack decides to keep secret. When he goes to high school and falls in love with Arianna, he hides Gio's very existence from her and his new friends. But how can you expect someone to love you if you conceal such an important part of yourself? In no time, the truth comes out, and Jack realizes that Gio's energy and vitality are contagious. Gio's original outlook does indeed change the world, just like a superhero.


IMDB 6.6


كوميديا, الأطفال والعائلة, صنع في أوروبا

مدة العرض

1ساعة 41دقيقة

بلد الإنتاج

إسبانيا, إيطاليا


Stefano Cipani

طاقم العمل

Alessandro Gassmann
Davide Mazzariol
Isabella Ragonese
Katia Mazzariol
Rossy de Palma
Auntie Rock / Zia Dolores
Francesco Gheghi
Jack Mazzariol
Roberto Nocchi
Vittorio detto Vitto
Gea Dall'Orto
Chiara Mazzariol
Maria Vittoria Dallasta
Alice Mazzariol
Lorenzo Sisto
Giovanni Mazzariol detto Gio
Arianna Becheroni
Edoardo Pagliai
Saul Nanni
Gabriele Scopel
Iván Sánchez