Operation Spring


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Operation Spring - شاهدوا أونلاين: بالبث أو الشراء أو التأجير

يمكنكم حالياً مشاهدة "Operation Spring" على DocAlliance Films.


"Operation Spring" is a documentary thriller about a police investigation and court proceedings against Africans suspected of belonging to a Nigerian drug ring. New laws were implemented and new methods of investigation were put to the test for the first time. The film poses the question of whether the defendants ever stood a chance of receiving a fair trial.


IMDB 8.0


وثائقي, صنع في أوروبا

مدة العرض

1ساعة 35دقيقة

بلد الإنتاج



Tristan Sindelgruber , Angelika Schuster

طاقم العمل