Trace of the future according to Massimo D'Anolfi and Martina Parenti


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Trace of the future according to Massimo D'Anolfi and Martina Parenti - شاهدوا أونلاين: بالبث أو الشراء أو التأجير

يمكنكم حالياً مشاهدة "Trace of the future according to Massimo D'Anolfi and Martina Parenti" على DocAlliance Films.


Filmmakers that were selected at Visions du Réel in the past twenty editions celebrate the Festival's anniversary by each making a short movie in which they expose their view of the future.



مدة العرض

3 دقيقة


Massimo D'Anolfi , Martina Parenti

طاقم العمل