Women with Gunpowder Earrings


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بإمكانكم شراء "Women with Gunpowder Earrings" على Apple TV وتنزيله أو تأجيره على Apple TV أونلاين.


On the war-torn Syrian-Iraqi border, journalist Noor Al Helli documents the Islamic State's ongoing regime of terror. Yet when she meets civilians who endured the occupation yet sympathize with the enemy, her own perspective of IS is greatly challenged. At the heart of the front line, Noor reveals the painful suffering of those embroiled in the conflict, raising untold stories from the shadows.


IMDB 6.6


الحرب والجيش, وثائقي

مدة العرض

1ساعة 17دقيقة

بلد الإنتاج


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