الموسم 2

Cardfight!! Vanguard - الموسم 2


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الموسم 2 - شاهدوا أونلاين: بالبث أو الشراء أو التأجير

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The Vanguard Fight Circuit is a huge tournament where Aichi, Kai, Misaki, Kamui and Ren have to travel around Asia to fight different fighters. The first tournament will be held in Singapore, the second in Seoul, Korea and the third in Hong Kong and the final tournament in Japan which will also be the stage for the overall finals for each winning team.. The other side characters like Miwa, Morikawa, etc. will be left in Japan during the Singapore and Seoul stages and Miwa will be looking after Card Capital, as the Acting Shop Owner during the Tournament Period.

20 حلقات


IMDB 5.8


حركة ومغامرة, رسوم متحركة, كوميديا, خيال, الخيال العلمي

مدة العرض

24 دقيقة

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