Gundam Build Divers

Gundam Build Divers


العنوان الأصلي: ガンダムビルドダイバーズ

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أحدث الحلقات


The Gunpla Force Battle Tournament is a big event held in GBN once per year. Competing in the final round are Avalon, led by the champion Kyoya Kujo, and the elite 7th Panzer Division led by the cunning Rommel. Starting with Kyoya's Gundam AGE II Magnum, a variety of Gunpla take to the field to determine which is the strongest force!


IMDB 6.5


حركة ومغامرة, الخيال العلمي, رياضة ولياقة, رسوم متحركة, كوميديا

مدة العرض

24 دقيقة

بلد الإنتاج


طاقم العمل

Mayu Minami
Parviz (voice)
Mai Fuchigami
May (voice)
Chiaki Kobayashi
Hiroto Kuga (voice)
Masaaki Mizunaka
Kazami Torimachi (voice)