Unlimited Psychic Squad
Unlimited Psychic Squad

Unlimited Psychic Squad


العنوان الأصلي: THE UNLIMITED 兵部京介

مواسم 1

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Unlimited Psychic Squad - شاهدوا أونلاين: بالبث أو الشراء أو التأجير

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أحدث الحلقات


You don't have to be psychic to know that Hyobu Kyosuke is trouble waiting to happen, but having psychic powers of your own may be your only chance if you want to stand against him. One of the most powerful espers on the planet, Hyobu's incredible range of abilities extends as far as controlling his own aging process, and the potential strength of all his talents combined is so terrifying that he wears a device that limits their use except in cases of extreme emergency. The time is coming, however, when Hyobu will need to unleash everything he has. Sometimes it takes a villain to do what heroes can't, and as the leader of the secret organization P.A.N.D.R.A., Hyobu's dedicated his life to fighting those who would entrap, enslave, or kill anyone with psychic powers. Now P.A.N.D.R.A. itself is in danger and, to combat that deadly threat, the gloves and limiter are coming off!


رسوم متحركة, حركة ومغامرة, الخيال العلمي

مدة العرض

24 دقيقة

بلد الإنتاج



Shishō Igarashi

طاقم العمل

Junichi Suwabe
Andy Hinomiya (voice)
Koji Yusa
Kyousuke Hyoubu (voice)
Wataru Hatano
You Fujiura (voice)
Sayaka Ohara
Momiji Kanou (voice)
Koji Ochiai
Shirou Magi (voice)
Yuichi Nakamura
Kouichi Minamoto (voice)
Rie Kugimiya
Momotarou (voice)
Kisho Taniyama
Shuuji Sakaki (voice)
Nao Toyama
Yuugiri (voice)
Aya Hirano
Kaoru Akashi (voice)
Haruka Tomatsu
Shiho Sannomiya (voice)
Katsuji Mori
Eiji Saotome (voice)
Koji Ochiai
Shiro Magi (voice)
Ryoko Shiraishi
Aoi Nogami (voice)
Sanae Kobayashi
Patty Crew (voice)
Sayaka Ohara
Momiji Kano (voice)
Taiten Kusunoki
Allen Walsh (voice)
Wataru Hatano
Yo Fujiura (voice)
Fujiko Tsubomi (voice)