Bikes Over Baghdad


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Bikes Over Baghdad is a team of professional action sports athletes who have traveled to the Middle East numerous times in support of the troops. This is not a typical sports video of guys doing insane tricks in remote locations (though it has that), this is not a story about the sacrifices our soldiers make day in and day out (though that is in there as well), and this is not the diary of an adventure a group of friends embarked on (though again, there is that). What this is, is a story about what happens when people give for the good of others. When people put their own safety aside to make someones life a little better, and how selflessness can change lives.


Sport & Fitness, Film de guerre, Documentaire


1h 5min

Pays de production

Koweit, Etats Unis, Qatar, Irak


Christian Schauf


Drew Bezanson
Mike Escamilla
Brian Kachinsky