Boneyard Alaska


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Alaskan gold miner John Reeves, a private landowner with no scientific training, stumbles upon a rare collection of bones of Ice Age creatures that roamed the region tens of thousands of years ago including bison, woolly mammoths, and prehistoric bears. Stored in a permafrost deep-freeze for years, these remains are in pristine condition and represent an unprecedented window into the life of the Pleistocene Epoch. John finds a passion for bones and for collecting, assembling over a hundred thousand specimens from his mine site, “The Boneyard," and invites a team of expert paleontologists to study the collection. As the scientists wade into the mud, and peruse the boxes of the collection, discoveries are made that could potentially re-write the history of North America.


IMDB 8.3




1h 14min

Pays de production

Etats Unis


Paul Andrew Lawrence


John Reeves