Daughters of Malakeh


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Three generations of women, wedged between two worlds, struggle to give shape to their lives in present-day Iran. In the world outside they wear headscarves and obey the rules of the state, yet in their world at home breadwinner Maryam runs the show, aided by her mother and her younger sister Ghazal. When Maryam wants to get married, however, these two worlds clash painfully, and the entire family gets involved. Son and co-director Sharog Heshmat Manesh, living in the Netherlands, leads us into this, otherwise closed, private world. 'Daughters of Malakeh' gives us a unique and genuine picture of family life in Iran.


IMDB 6.8


Documentaire, Pour enfants, Made in Europe


1h 21min

Pays de production

Iran, Pays-Bas
