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Nous ajoutons régulièrement de nouveaux services de VOD et SVOD mais nous n`avons pas trouvé d`offre pour "Escisión" en streaming. Veuillez revenir plus tard pour voir si une offre a été ajoutée..


When there is part of yourself that you do not know, you live in constant excision. After ten years together, Laura and Dani's relationship is going through a difficult time. Dani's continuous nightmares are taking a toll on his personality. His habitual obsessions are getting worse and for him it is getting more and more difficult to concentrate on daily tasks and get rid of bad dreams and constant children's screams that echo in his mind every time he closes his eyes. In his escape to oblivion, Dani closes down in his own world unaware of the consequences. A road to abyss where the people that love him most end up being his persecutors.


IMDB 7.1


Drame, Horreur, Made in Europe, Mystère & Thriller


2h 0min

Pays de production

