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"Swallow" depicts the story of Cha Eun-sook, who published a book titled "Jebi," which tells a story of the past during the military regime of Chun Doo-hwan in 1983, and her son, Lee Ho-yeon, who finds himself hidden in the book.


IMDB 6.8


Comédie Romantique, Drame


2h 17min

Pays de production

Corée du Sud


Leesong Hee-il


Yoon Park
Jang Hui-ryeong
Yoo In-soo
Park So-jin
Woo Ji-hyeon
Park Mi-hyun
Lee Dae-yeon
Park Myung-shin
Jeon Soo-jin
Park Soo-young
Jung Seung-kil
Jang Liu