The Picture of Dorian Gray


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In Victorian England, handsome Dorian Gray makes a Faustian deal that his portrait painted by Basil Hallward (Jeremy Brett) will age while he remains young. But his vain bargain eventually leads to murder and destroys Gray's life. This 1976 installment of the BBC's long-running "Play of the Month" television series co-stars Gwen Ffrangcon Davies, Judi Bowker and John Gielgud as Lord Henry Wotton.


Fantastique, Horreur, Drame


1h 38min

Pays de production

Etats Unis


John Gorrie


John Gielgud
Lord Henry Wotton
Peter Firth
Dorian Gray
Jeremy Brett
Basil Hallward
Judi Bowker
Sibyl Vane
Gwen Ffrangcon Davies
Lady Agatha
Nan Munro
Duchess of Harley
Mark Dignam
Lord Fermor
Michael Barrington
Mr. Erskine
Gillian Raine
Mrs. Vane
Nicholas Ball
James Vane
Nicholas Clay
Alan Campbell