We Shall Return


Titre Original: Havemos de Voltar

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Angola's complex history seen through the eyes of a fake taxidermy sable antelope. She takes us on a journey that links colonial ideas from the past with contemporary reality. This short contemplation on the conservation of memory is a brilliant mix between static painted, staged histories, and a physical parade through the streets.


Drame, Fantastique



Pays de production



Kiluanji Kia Henda


Aline Frazão
Amélia Capomba (voice)
Vírgilio Capomba
Sr. Baltasar
Daniel Jianping
Alice da Cruz
Visitante Centro de Arquivo
Clemente Basílo
Visitante Centro de Arquivo
Lukeny Handenge
Visitante Centro de Arquivo
Lia Sapalo
Visitante Centro de Arquivo
António Estrelinha
Soldado Sul-Africano
Kimi Sousa
Soldado Sul-Africano
Companhia de Arte Kussanguluka
Grupo de dança