Escape from Scorpion Island


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Escape from Scorpion Island is a BAFTA-nominated BBC children's TV adventure game show in which contestants try to 'escape from an exotic island with a mind of its own' by doing various challenges to improve their chances of escaping. Series 1 was made by RDF Television for CBBC. Series 2 onwards were produced by Foundation/Freehand for CBBC and ABC Television in Australia. Its fifth series was broadcast in 2011. A sixth series was confirmed and due to air in late 2013. Each series contains a different number of contestants who work in set teams to try to escape the sentient island. The contestants are children who are 11–14 years old. Each series introduces a different number of contestants, new challenges and different storylines.

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IMDB 6.9


Science-Fiction, Pour enfants



Pays de production

Royaume-Uni, Australie


Caroline Flack
Joel Ross
Reggie Yates