7 Veils


Původní název: 7 Pardeh

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Sledování titulu 7 Veils: kde sledovat?

Aktuálně máte možnost sledovat "7 Veils" streaming u DocAlliance Films. Si můžete koupit "7 Veils" u DocAlliance Films ke stažení nebo si jej půjčit u DocAlliance Films online.


From Afghanistan, little is known but a few cliches, the word Taliban, and a war that seems to have never ceased since the Soviet era and its new turn taken since 2001. A country devastated in a state of permanent conflict, a population deeply marked: how to do it justice? Equipped with her only camera, reconnecting with her beginnings on documentaries, the director embraces the beautiful ambition to reach the intimate heart of the country.


Dokumentární, Dějiny, Made in Europe

Doba zpracování

1h 20min

Země výroby



Sepideh Farsi
