Future Nature


Alkuperäinen nimi: Element Skateboards - Future Nature

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Future Nature - Element Skateboards - katso netissä: suoratoista, osta tai vuokraa

Voit ostaa elokuvan "Future Nature" palvelussa Apple TV tai vuokrata sen netissä palvelussa Apple TV.


Element proudly presents FUTURE NATURE, a visual exploration of skateboarders in their natural environments. Around the world, two major species co-exist together. They are Amateurus and Professionalli, or better known as the amateur and professional skateboarder. FUTURE NATURE focuses on Amateurus, documenting the extravagant behaviors of Nick Garcia, Julian Davidson, Evan Smith, Boo Johnson and introducing the unknown Madars Apse, Trent McClung, Nassim Guammaz, and more.





Kirk Dianda


Nick Garcia
Julian Davidson
Evan Smith
Boo Johnson
Madars Apse
Trent McClung
Nassim Guammaz